Sunday, June 12, 2016

River Activities in June

Sail boats are a frequent sight.

The bridge swings side ways 
for big ships to pass.

There was much river activity in May. It was very warm, 70-74 degrees F most days for three weeks. Then since the beginning of June it has rained almost every day and turned windy and cold. We are wearing our heavy sweaters and hats again. But the sun often shines through the everning clouds and drops just below the horizon for three hours then comes up again. To us it's unique and we love it. We don't have that in Utah.
A floating sauna is quite a sight.
Kayacks are very popular.
A unique many-person canoe.
Logs are transported by our river.
Tail end of the log transport is guarded and guided.
Trees along the river.
The blossoms on the trees add so much beauty to the landscape. Often the trees are buzzing with black bees gathering pollen or nectar from the pink flowers.

Great Missionaries!
We are forever grateful to work with and support our District Missionaries in the Lord's work among the people. We meet together every Wednesday in an neighboring city for District Meeting.  We help each other in many ways. It's fun to be part of a great team.

Elder Hunt's eye is healing. He is now up and about, but still not allowed to drive until his eye is fully healed.  Sister Hunt is now the official cheuffer.  Thank you very much for your prayers that help us stay well and positive. We feel your love and prayers daily for which we are very grateful. We love you all very much. May God bless you always.
Elder Hunt
Long stem dandilions from Elder Hunt.
Dandilions grow tall and beautiful everywhere.
They are considered flowers not weeds.
Sister Hunt playing with her dandilions.